About Stuff-it Storage
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The History of Stuff-it Storage
My name is Harvey L. Horton, I had been a successful business owner and consultant for over 35 years. When I decided to focus my attention on the storage industry, Stuff-it Storage was a plan I outlined 2 years ago.
I live in Sherman, IL with my wife Julie and two dogs, Lillian (a basset hound) and Pebbles (a Shih Tzu). We have two adult children, Ashley and Nicholas, plus Nick's wife Katie, and a beautiful grandson, Gage. I enjoy my time with family and for extra fun, I play in a band on the weekends called “Imagine That.”
From past involvement in the self-storage industry and horror stories I had experienced, I embarked on a two-year mission to research and gather data, statistical analysis, and industry reviews to understand what was and wasn't working in the marketplace.
The second part of my mission was to create a storage brand that was eco-friendly and sustainable. The sheer number of storage facilities has been growing exponentially over the last 20 years, and most of them are built out of new steel.
Armed with this information, I went about creating a company that could eliminate or drastically reduce the problems and issues that permeate the storage industry. What worked was convenience, lower cost per square foot than a house or business, and that some storage was movable if you needed to load many bulky items at one time. The most common complaints were break-ins and theft, rodents or other pests soiling, chewing, and otherwise damaging items, water damage, fire damage, dust and dirt accumulation, price increases, and the financial drain for a longer period of the rental.
This is where my Stuff-it Storage idea came to life. I chose to use the logical choice of a new shipping container because it was the most secure storage system in use around the world. A fire could not penetrate it, water could not penetrate it, the lock was shielded by a steel lockbox, so you couldn’t cut it off. It was completely sealed so rodents and pests could not get in, and it was individually portable. From the sustainability side, it became clear that using a shipping container would not only eliminate the emissions from new steel production but increase the lifestyle of these containers far longer than normal use across the seas.
I reasoned that, if this was the best way that had been devised to ship NEW products across oceans for months at a time to be sold later, then it seemed logical to assume it would also serve as the BEST way to store items when no longer in daily use, seasonal storage, or long-term preservation. I named this new storage unit the ARC or Asset Relocation Container!
I developed items that were very new, not well known, or had never been offered before. We offer valet storage, a very new concept in the storage industry. Basically, we provide all the storage needs of customers in an online app. Our team picks your stuff up, as little as one item, takes it to the storage, and delivers. So enjoy our on-demand storage services on your fingertips.
I took it one step further by offering the customer the option to purchase their own ARC (Asset Relocation Container). Ownership had never been offered before, and I wanted to offer this option since so many people were complaining about price increases and, after years of storage, had nothing to show for all that money spent but damaged property and a stack of paid receipts.
I set up ARC Parks for people to buy their own ARC to reduce or eliminate their storage cost or actually generate income by renting out their ARC. Stuff-it manages the rent of the ARC for the owner through a management fee, and the owner keeps the balance!
And the rest is about to become storage history! Call us for a free consultation with our storage experts.
About Us
Stuff-it Storage provides self storage, mobile storage, valet storage, storage ownership, packing, moving, shipping, and small-volume copying, printing, and shredding in the Springfield, IL, area.
Year Established
- Self Storage
- Mobile Storage
- Valet Storage
- Storage Unit Ownership
- Packing
- Moving
- Shipping
- Small-Volume Copying
- Small-Volume Printing
- Document Shredding
Mobile and Valet Storage
Business Hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sat - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sun - Closed
- English
Payment Types
- Cash
- Check
- Discover
- MasterCard
- Visa
- Better Business Bureau
- Springfield Local Chamber of Commerce
- Self Storage Association